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This is a picture of the first trio we formed after returning to Japan.
Members: Takasi Tsunoda,Sadao Udagawa and I happened to wear beards then.The Trio,"Musica Antiqua Tokyo"was active from 1980-1985.
We started summer courses on early music at Lake Tazawa Music Festval and this turned into Tsuru early Music Festival after its success.This festival could be called the origin of all early music fesival in Japan

   Mino photo album_1
   Mino photo album_2
   Mino photo album_3    
   Mino photo & comment
    Musica Antiqua Tokyo
    Prof.Felicitas Keldorfer
    Toppage photo
    MASUDA Houshun
     Flageolet gallery 2014
    Ryouhei Hirose
      photo gallery 1997