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Prof.F.Keldoler,my teacher and close friend,was a favorite student of prof.Hans.U.Staeps and prof.Frans Bruggen.
It was one of my luckiest days when I met her,cause she gave me the key to a new world,my life work,the recorder.When I was it her class at Orff Institute,which was a required class,she suggested to me that I should appy for the newly opend recorder couse at Mozarteum,whee she had just accepted a ob as arecorder teacher.I followed fer suggestion and became the first and the only sudent that year of this new couse at this musikhochschule with such a long tradition,and eventually became the first and te only graduate at that time.

This picture with Prof.F.Keldorfer was taken in May 1997,while I was teaching an intensive Orff-couse at Mozarteum as a visiting lecturer.

   Mino photo album_1
   Mino photo album_2
   Mino photo album_3    
   Mino photo & comment
    Musica Antiqua Tokyo
    Prof.Felicitas Keldorfer
    Toppage photo
    MASUDA Houshun
     Flageolet gallery 2014
    Ryouhei Hirose
      photo gallery 1997