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Status quo of the recorder in Japan
We usually start to teach soprano recorders to third-grade pupils in primary school. First and second-grade pupils learn how to play the pianica (harmonica with key board). Sometimes fifth and sixth-grade pupils are taught alto recorders but mostly altos are taught in junior high school. In some senior high schools, students practice from soprano to bass recorders and perform ensemble.

The music colleges where they teach the recorder in the Early Music Department are Tohogakuen University and Uenogakuen University in Tokyo, Osaka Music College and Soaigakuen University in Osaka. As for ordinary colleges, besides the three where I teach now, which are Yokohama National University, Tsuru Cultural University, and Shizuoka University, there are very few that have professional recorder teachers in their music education course.

Many music teachers at school are forced to teach the recorder without having enough knowledge and experience of performing the recorder. They often use my NHK educational TV program "The Recorder Sings" 1986-1987 in the classroom.

The recorder contest has been held by the All Japan Recorder Association once a year for these 25 years. The contestants are all am ateurs from children to adults. In some colleges they have recorder ensembles and early music clubs. We also have several early music festivals and one of them, Tsuru Early Music Festival, will have been going for 13 years this summer.

There are quite a few amateur recorder players in Japan and most of them play in groups. I will introduce my recorder courses now.

   Status quo of the
     recorder in Japan
   Minoru Yoshizawa
    recorder courses